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How to Create or Join a Neighborhood in Hay Day

See that old shack across the road? That’s your neighborhood house! Sure it is run down, but had a coat of paint and it’ll give you a new social Hay Day to experience with friends family. To proceed make sure you’re at level 18 or higher and select the neighborhood house. For 2500 coins you can start repairing it and in a few hours you’ll be a step closer to being a neighbor to Hay Day farmers around the world.

Upon its completion the neighborhood house will allow you to create a hood of your own or join a pre-existing one. The search window shows a list of recommended neighborhoods suited to your own level or if you have friends in those neighborhoods the chat language is the same as your game language for the members are from the same country. If you already know which neighborhood you like to join, enter its name in the search field. In the new feature, see the neighborhoods preferred chat language indicated by a small flag.

Create a Cool Hay Day Neighborhood

How about creating your own neighborhood! First, choose your neighborhood preferences. Start by coming up with a nice name. Keep in mind, you won’t be able to change it later. Design a badge that distinguishes your neighborhood from others. Choose your language, this way before other players enter, they’ll know what language you speak.

Now let’s decide on the joining settings. Would you like anyone to join? This means that any player can join if you’d like to. Or maybe have them join by request, with this setting players must request joining in your neighborhood. Only leaders and co-leaders can approve or decline request. Keeping the neighborhood invite only, means that no one can find and request to join, unless they receive an invitation from the leader, co-leader or elder. Only Facebook or Game Center friends can receive invitations since they appear on the friends bar.

After you’re happy with the setup, tap on the “Create” button. Use the neighborhood to keep in touch with your Hay Day friends using the chat box and help each others farms. Work together and win Derby prizes. Want to learn more about being a leader, co-leader, elder and member of a neighborhood, or even find out more about how neighborhoods and the Derby work, head over to Hay Day’s Frequently Asked Questions section in your farm settings. You will find lot’s of info that will help you catch on and enjoy all these features: like “neighborhood rolls” or “how do I invite friends to join my neighborhood” or getting to know the Derby rules. Checking out for answers and don’t forget to join Hay Day neighborhood today.

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